Screenshots of the Spatiotemporal Epistemic Knowledge Synthesis GUI:  The left-hand side figure shows the screen that takes the user through the data detrending stage in the exploratory analysis.  The right-hand side figure displays the last screen of the GUI, where the user can select to see maps from a variety of analysis results and export the output information.

Spatiotemporal Epistemic Knowledge Synthesis (SEKS) is the general framework under which the Modern Spatiotemporal Geostatistics methods have been developed.  The software that has been composed to implement these methods resulted in the fine BMElib and GBMElib libraries that currently run under Matlab.  However, these packages require that the user has the ability to work on the computer command line and has some familiarity with coding.  To this end, the current project targets on the creation of a cross-platform Graphical User Interface (GUI) based on the SEKS software packages to allow Knowledge Synthesis-based analysis and free the user of these requirements.

SEKS-GUI is the result of the project efforts.  Based on theoretical reasoning and empirical evidence, an interactive software library is built into the SEKS-GUI framework that expresses the system’s dependence structure using a multitude of both ordinary and generalized spatiotemporal covariance models; explores heterogeneous (spatially non-homogeneous and temporally non-stationary) distributions; synthesizes core knowledge bases and various uncertainty sources of the system under study; and generates a meaningful picture of the system using space-time dependent probability functions and associated maps of important attributes.  The implementation stages of the SEKS-GUI software are described in considerable detail using appropriate screens that guide the user through the various analysis levels.

The above research work took place at the San Diego State University, CA, USA.